Product Design | Function with Vision
“Form follows function” especially applies to product design. Practical application and utility are the benchmarks. We at BEGER DESIGN want to understand what the user is thinking and how he is acting.
Medical technology is a matter of life and death. Each hand movement has to be perfectly executed. The equipment should be ergonomically designed. For this reason we have been staying in continuous dialog with the health professionals and hospital staff for years. Our concepts and products are a result from analysis, creative ideas and visions, exact feasibility studies and intelligent constructions.
Good design bridges the gap between the innovative design idea, and the successful product, which suits the market and people. Attention to detail is for us just as important as a coherent overall structure.

phase 1
Research for project / product
Analyse for target group
Research for production opportunities
Conception and Design draft I
Selection of Design draft

Phase 2
Detail elaboration
Draft variations
Ergonomics check
Design model
Coordination with client

Phase 3
Detail elaboration
Definition of materials and colors
Coordination manufacturing processes
Application tests

Phase 4
Usability Testing
Item construction
Support to pilot series and launch
Renderings and photos for promotional materials / Marketing