Team Members
Years in Business
Concept and Dialogue
Only in permanent dialogue with all stakeholders, a vision can become a concept with added value. That is why we involve our customers in the whole process, which lies between the tender documents and an implementable design concept. You are part of the control loop which channeled the creative power of the design team in their interest. At the end of the design phase are several clear, decision-ready designs. From which we choose together which one of those should be implemented.

Range of Services
Industrial Design
Product Development
Medical Design
Design Consulting
User-Interface Design
Graphics and Packaging
Visuelle Communication
Risk analysis
Computer animation
Video editing
We are made up of designers, engineers, modeler, programmers and architects.
A vision can only be developed into a concept with added value, if there is continuous dialogue between all those involved. This is why we involve our customers in the whole process from the design specifications to a realizable design concept. The customers are part of the controlled process, which leads to creative output of the design team.
The will to design, motivation and empathy of our team form the basis for successful cooperation with our customers.